Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pacific Rim!

So my wife and I went to see Pacific Rim Sunday. Was the story amazing? Not particularly. Was it long? Yeah I mean it's 2.5hrs.....but fuck! I had a freaking blast watching this movie and it honestly didn't feel long. I love Mako, Gieszler and Gottlieb followed closely by Pentecost. But the movie really is about Mako so I had to do a "partial" fan art of her! I haven't done fan art in a long time and I am honestly quite busy so I just cheated and painted her eyes and hair for my computer wallpaper :D

Mako Mori (1600 x 1200) Feel free to use for your computer. I would be honored!

She is a really cool character and her back story is far more interesting than mister plain toast action hero lead Raleigh Becket. Her story is beautifully shot and I think it takes the pie in the film.

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