Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jellie Update!

Whew! It's been a busy week. I've completed all but 2 or so shots in the animatic. It's been fun designing the backgrounds and adding some new cuts/reworking old ones from the original thumbnail storyboards. All in all I feels it's coming together quite well. I will return to school on January 7th so I would like to have the entire short completed in animatic form to show my professors and get some feedback during the first few weeks of the quarter. I am also in a collaborative class and I do have to opportunity to pitch the concept as the short the class would work on for the coming 10 weeks. I am however reluctant to share this project. Over the past few weeks I have built upon the original concept making this film quite personal with some metaphors that may or may not be so subtle.

Jellie WIP animatic 02 from efmuok on Vimeo.


sillysylvie11 said...

This is looking awesome Jeff! like the look it looks like you are going for in the backgrounds as well. Also, I love imagining you trying to get photos on the MARTA...that must have been...not fun.

efmuok said...

@sillysylvie11Thanks! Yeah MARTA is super strict for whatever reasons. But if I want to enter this into any festivals once completed I can't use the photos. Ooh well I think it'll be better completely drawn anyways!

Unknown said...

this is really cool. I love the ambiance you put in it, the final scene i'm sure will be really beautiful because of lighting and etc.

jeff macdonald said...

@christelleThanks! Yes I want it to be surreal and overwhelming in its beauty when he stands in front of the giant wall.