Finally completed the background for this! Kept the cityscape simpler than I originally started but i didn't want to take away from the characters. Also after seeing a wall hang for a new animation by the Salesman Pete/meet Buck crew I decided to flip the orientation and it worked SOOOO much better. Enjoy :)

Now I need to product a non fan art of this quality for my portfolio...
Hey !
This is f******g great !
This is so cool that it's my new wallpaper. I can't wait to show it to the others !
This is high quality stuff, I NEED to see everything you'll be doing in the future.
@Rigamix (Marc Bouyer) Thank you so much! I start school this fall and I'll make sure to send you my projects:) Oh also I got that book you recommended and it's GREAT! So much useful info thanks again Marc! Keep in touch
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